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Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Biography

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, often referred to as the "Father of the Nation" in Bangladesh, was a prominent political leader and independence activist who played a crucial role in the creation of Bangladesh and served as its first Prime Minister and later as its President. Here is a brief biography of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman: **Early Life and Education:** - Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was born on March 17, 1920, in Tungipara, a small village in what was then British India and is now Bangladesh. - He came from a modest family and received his early education in the village and later attended Gopalganj Missionary School. **Political Activism:** - Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became involved in politics during his college years when he joined the All India Muslim Students Federation, an organization dedicated to promoting the rights of Muslim students. - He later became a member of the East Pakistan Muslim League, advocating for the rights and autonomy of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) within the larger framework of Pakistan. - Over time, his political activities evolved into a struggle for greater autonomy and rights for the Bengali population in East Pakistan, which faced discrimination from the West Pakistan-dominated government. **Role in the Liberation War:** - The brutal suppression of the Bengali population by the Pakistani military in 1971 led to a full-scale war of independence, known as the Bangladesh Liberation War. - Sheikh Mujibur Rahman emerged as the leader of the Bengali nationalist movement, and he declared the independence of Bangladesh on March 26, 1971. - He inspired and led the Mukti Bahini (freedom fighters) and played a pivotal role in securing international support for the Bangladeshi cause. - The war ended on December 16, 1971, with the victory of the Bangladeshi forces and the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation. **Leadership in Independent Bangladesh:** - Following independence, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became the Prime Minister of Bangladesh on January 12, 1972. - He focused on rebuilding the war-ravaged country and establishing democratic institutions. - In 1975, he became the President of Bangladesh after the country adopted a new constitution. **Assassination:** - Tragically, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's political career was cut short when he and many members of his family were assassinated on August 15, 1975, in a military coup. - His daughter, Sheikh Hasina, survived the attack and later became a prominent political leader herself. **Legacy:** - Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is remembered as a national hero in Bangladesh for his role in the struggle for independence and his efforts to build the newly independent nation. - His vision for Bangladesh emphasized democracy, social justice, and economic development. - Today, his daughter, Sheikh Hasina, serves as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, carrying forward his legacy. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's contributions to the independence and development of Bangladesh are widely celebrated, and he remains an iconic figure in the country's history. His speeches and writings continue to inspire the people of Bangladesh and those who value the principles of democracy and self-determination.

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